Last night I went over Lucy and Andy's for our usual pre-Christmas celebrations and present exchanging! As usual it was an epic time and not just because they cooked nachos AND fajitas! (how awesome is that?!) :D Instead of a bigger presents this year I got them both lots of little things and they seemed to like them all so that's an epic win!! Every year I have to buy Lucy an obligatory Hello Kitty present so this year I got her Top Trumps:
I think it's a tradition that she'd probably rather forget, but I'm annoying like that! The game itself works like Top Trumps always does, but they're actually all places and not really related to Hello Kitty at all. The categories are fashion factor, things to do, natural beauty, glamour and miles from London (of which the Moon wins with 240,000!) :D
They got me this cool bouncy ball that bounces a whopping 75 feet in the air (no really!) and this awesome goo stuff:
You've probably all seen this goo before, but this one was a new spin because it was Doctor Who themed as in that it was the "Flesh" (one of the episodes of the last season) and there are some bits of the Doctor floating in it! Nice :P They also got me what looks like a rather cool Lego game:
I haven't played (or built) it yet, but I'll take it over my parents on the 25th/26th and we'll probably play it then :)
Talking of Lego, the advent calendar is nearly finished as there's only 1 day left (and I know what that is, because it's on the box boasting about how it's in there!). I have quite a few days to put up though, so here's a Lego calendar photo flood!
December 17 - Weapons rack |
December 23 - Xmas tree |
Not sure about that last one... sure it looks cute, but I don't remember ever seeing an Xmas tree in the Jedi Temple, but maybe Darth Vader has one in his living room? :P
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