Thursday 24 June 2010

Father's day

Father's Day was LAST Sunday in the UK and my brother was going to someone's wedding so it was just me who went over to see the parents, but it was a good afternoon all the same! We'd bought Dad a solar powered train kit (it's more impressive than it sounds!) and he's since told me how much fun he had making it and apparently it works really well so that's good! We also got him the "Settlers of Catan" game which we've had our eye on for ages, but haven't actually played it yet as he wanted to read all the rules properly first as it does look rather complicated.

After lunch Dad and I went for a walk as there was a local "garden" festival with "Open Gardens" so we went to look at some of them:

Some people have way too much time on their hands eh? :) Of course I couldn't help but think of the topiaries in the Facebook game, FarmVille, but I kept that to myself as Dad wouldn't have got the joke :)

We headed back to the house and played a selection of board games, but also "Spiderman Uno"! I thought it was going to be really rubbish, but actually it turned out it was official and wasn't bad either! There was even a new "Spider-sense" card too. Sadly my parents weren't interested in changing any of the rules - Boo!

Next time for the rules changing eh? :)


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